Diamond sharpening stones metal bond


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150 х 25 х 7 x 3 x 4
CBN (cubic boron nitride) is a generic name, there are also other names of this material, depending on manufacturer: borazon, elbor, cubonite, etc.
CBN  is the second-hardest material after diamond,  and has the best price-performance ratio for processing steels, comparing to other materials, including diamond, silicon carbide or aluminum oxide. Due to it’s high resistance specs, CBN can be used dry without lubricant. This makes CBN the cleanest of the available sharpening stones. For  high alloy steels (eg. X50CrMoV15), with hardness 60HRC and more we recommend using diamond sharpening stones.

Trademark: Aldim. Made in Ukraine by Poltava plant of diamond tools

Length: 150 mm = 6 inch
Width:   25 mm x = 1 inch
Total thickness:  7 mm = 0.28 inch
CBN thickness:    3 mm = 0.12 inch
Blank thickness: 4 mm = 0.16 inch

Compatible with Apex Edge Pro, RUIXIN, TSPROF, Hapstone, etc. Due to the softness of the hybrid bond, these sharpening stones are best suited for knife finishing. At the same time these stones have working life, similar to that of metal bond stones.

For sharpening of carbon steels we recommend using cubic boron nitride  sharpening stones

Recommendations on selection of sharpening stones
How to maintain sharpening stones  

Metal bond, ensures high endurance and low wearing rate, may require lubricant

Grain size: Please select from the list, or read Technical information.  

The finest grain size is 0.5/0 micron (fine polishing) , the coarsest – 500/400 micron (rough grinding).
In grain selection window you see grain sizes according to standards:
Diamond concentration: 100%

Do not waste your money on cheaper stones with lower/unknown concentration.

Flat solid block on aluminum blank, abrasive grains are evenly distributed across the volume of the stone.

Preparation of sharpening stones
Unlike other sharpening stones, most of these hybrid bond stones do not need preparation, except stones with grits finer 1 microns (<Grit 15000). Ultrafine grains (1/0, 0.5/0) form agglomerates in a bond, so you may need to dress them with abrasive powders/pastes, or they will be self-polished after sharpening of 30-50 knives.

Selection of SiC powders for  dressing  of sharpening stones

Stone Starting grit Finishing grit
500/400 μ = 35/40= D501 F16 (1230 μ) F24 (745 μ)
400/315 μ = 40/45= D426 F16 (1230 μ) F46 (370 μ)
315/250 μ = 50/60= D301 F24 (745 μ) F46 (370 μ)
250/200 μ = 60/70= D251 F24 (745 μ) F60 (260 μ)
200/160 μ = 70/80= D213 F36 (525 μ) F60 (260 μ)
160/125 μ = 100/120= D151 F46 (370 μ) F80 (180 μ)
125/100 μ = 120/140= D126 F60 (260 μ) F100 (129 μ)
100/80 μ = 140/170= D107 F60 (260 μ) F120 (109 μ)
 80/63 μ = 170/200= D91 F80 (180 μ) F150 (82 μ)
63/50 μ = 230/270= D64 F100 (129 μ) F180 (69 μ)
50/40 μ = 270/325= D54 F120 (109 μ) F220 (58 μ)
40/28 μ = 550= M40 F150 (82 μ) F240 (46 μ)
28/20 μ = 650= M25 F180 (69 μ) F320 (30 μ)
20/14 μ = 1100= M20 F240 (46 μ) F400 (18 μ)
14/10 μ = 1500= M16 F320 (30 μ) F400 (18 μ)
10/7 μ = 1700= M10 F400 (18 μ) F600 (10 μ)
7/5 μ = 3000= M6.3 F600 (10 μ) F800 (6,7 μ)
5/3 μ = 4000= M4 F600 (10 μ) F800 (6,7 μ)
3/2 μ = 6000= M1.5 F800 (6,7 μ) F1200 (3 μ)
2/1 μ = 10000 F800 (6,7 μ) F1200 (3 μ)
1/0 μ F800 (6,7 μ) F1200 (3 μ)
0.5/0 μ F800 (6,7 μ) F1200 (3 μ)

Use and cleaning of diamond sharpening stones
Use any comfortable oil (baby, olive..) to prevent glazing. If glazed – clean with alcohol and toothbrush.

Maintenance (in 1-2 years), flattening/revitalization – with silicon (silica) carbide powders on glass plate, grain size selection – according to the table above.

Grain size/operation reference chart
30000 grit = 0.5/0 μ – fine polishing
15000 grit = 1/0 μ – fine polishing
10000 grit = 2/1 μ – fine polishing
5000 grit = 3/2 μ – fine polishing
4000 grit = 5/3 μ – polishing
3000 grit = 7/5 μ – polishing
1700 grit = 10/7 μ – polishing
1500 grit = 14/10 μ – polishing
1100 grit = 20/14 μ – polishing
650 grit = 28/20 μ – polishing
550 grit = 40/28 μ – fine grinding
325 grit = 50/40 μ – fine grinding
285 grit = 63/50 μ – fine grinding
240 grit = 80/63 μ – fine grinding
225 grit = 100/80 μ – fine grinding
160 grit = 125/100 μ – grinding
100 grit = 160/125 μ – grinding
80 grit = 200/165 μ – sharpening / rough grinding

Knife sharpening with  combined bond stones

Buy these stones on 

Grain size

F30000 (Ultra fine) 0.5/0μ, F15000 (Ultra fine) 1/0μ, F10000 (Ultra fine) 2/1μ, F5000 (Ultra fine) 3/2μ, F4000 (Extra fine) 5/3μ, F3000 (Extra fine) 7/5, F1700 (Extra fine) 10/7μ, F1500 (Very fine) 14/10μ, F1100 (Very fine) 20/14μ, F650 (Fine) 28/20μ, F550 (Fine) 40/28μ, F325 (Medium) 50/40μ, F285 (Medium) 63/50μ, F240 (Coarse) 80/63μ, F225 (Coarse) 100/80μ, F160 (Coarse) 125/100μ, F100 (Extra Coarse) 160/125μ, F80 (Extra Coarse) 200/160μ, F60 (Extra Coarse) 250/200μ, F50 (Extra Coarse) 315/250μ, F40 (Extra Coarse) 400/315μ, F30 (Extra Coarse) 500/400μ


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